Monday, November 22, 2010

Understanding the GAINS Exchange to make the most out of your network.

BNI founder Dr. Ivan Misner has developed the GAINS Exchange to make the most out of your current network. The GAINS Exchange is information your network should know about you and you about them. GAINS is an acronym and means:

Goals- These are the financial and personal objectives. Problems or decisions that you make to achieve something. You can help others achieve their goals and they can do the same thing for you, but neither of you can help each other reach goals you don't know about.  

Accomplishments–  Goals and projects completed. Accomplishments tell more about any intentions one may communicate.  People like to talk about what their proud of. Sharing what your proud of may lead to connections with others in the group.

Interest– Are simply things you like doing. People are willing to spend time with people they share interest, golfers hangout with golfers not bowlers right? Of your interest your passion is your most important interest. Something you could do without being motivated to do.

Networks- Any group, company or organization we may be affiliated with. Sometimes we take these groups for granted.  Dr. Misner say's "It’s how well you know them, not what you or who you know." Cultivate each contact and make as deep a connection as possible.

Skills- The more you know about your network the better you can find qualified people for referrals and for you. This well help with people connect you with people you can help most and the same for them.

Practice the GAINS Exchange to help you develop your network.

***Looking for a place to practice GAINS or meet people? Nmsmallbiz has a community calendar with free networking events please visit my page and "like."***

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

What are you waiting for?

Really. What are you waiting for? Let me say this, we all have a limited supply of time to make things happen. Time is the only thing that we can never get back and sometimes we don’t fight to live every moment for it.

What is it that is keeping you from working toward that goal, purpose and ultimately happiness? Do you wake up everyday ready to tackle the day? Even if it’s…Monday?

Don’t let anything hold you back from starting today. Don’t wait, get up and work toward your calling now! Write down that goal. Make that call. Make that leap. Do something, anything.

If we want to be happy and living with purpose and satisfaction we need to make the small things build us for the HUGE things. If we wait until we get that degree, job or situation it may never come. Fail forward and learn from mistakes. We never know when a new desire will enter our heart and we can use all that we have learned to be hugely successful.

Friends I encourage you to hit the ground running now…don’t put it off!

***Inspired by the new series title Get A Life.***

Monday, November 15, 2010

Bob Burgs’ 10 questions every marketer should know.

Thinking about going to a networking event? Having problems opening up a conversation? 
Bob Burg author of "Endless Referrals" has 10 questions that every networker should know; in fact every person in business should know them! Please find them list below:

1.  How did you get started in the (______) business?
2.  What do you enjoy most about your profession?
3.  What separates you and your company from the competition?
4.  What advice would you give someone just starting out in the (______) business?
5.  What one thing would you do with your business if you knew you could not fail?
6.  What significant changes have you seen take place in your profession through the years?
7.  What do you see as the coming trends in the (______) business?
8.  Describe the strangest or funniest incident you’ve experienced in your business?
9.  What ways have you found to be the most effective for promoting your business?
10.  What one sentence would you like people to use in describing the way you do business?

Hope to see some of you at the NMSMALLBIZ hosted Breakfast with Fran!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Why do I keep doing this tedious task?

Why is it important to have goals? Seems like a silly question. To me, the real reason we have goals is it keeps us focused and helps make the little things count.

I’ll do what others won’t to have what others don’t.
How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.
“like wanting to be a championship boxer without taking a punch.” Brian Tracey

What do all these quotes have in common? They are referring to meeting goals and requiring effort. Everyday you get up and go to work, make calls, file papers or do whatever it is you are reluctant to do. Why? To get closer to your goals. If your goal is worth it, you’ll keep moving towards it.

You see we need goals to motivate us daily. In sales we can make a call today and not close the deal for a week, month or even a year! In school you develop strong writing skills and wonder why am I writing this essay? Later in school you realize the benefit all those essays had.

Hold this true, without goals we have no reason to push ourselves. The daily routine becomes too much for us to bear. Instead of approaching the task with a burning desire, we approach asking why? Which do you think helps you achieve a better result? Burning desire baby! Make the small things count.

Take some time today setting your huge goal. Than write down what needs to be done to achieve the goal. Next time you ask, why? Look at your goal sheet and remember it’s helping you reach that HUGE goal!

Monday, November 8, 2010

BNI Founder Dr. Ivan Misner 10 commandments of networking a mixer

Do you wonder how to make more out of networking mixers? Don't we all. NMSMALLBIZ will soon be hosting a monthly networking event and thought this may help us or anyone attending

BNI is the most widely known networking group. I decided to break down the founder of the organizations 10 commandments for networking at a mixer:

1. Have networking tools with you at all times: cards, name badge, promotional items and other cards from your referral network.
2. Set a goal of number of people your going to meet. Often we only look at time. Focus on meeting 8 new possible referral partners, this is a better goal than focusing on a staying for only one hour.
3. Act like a host, not a guest. Guests sit back and relax. A host will introduce people who may benefit from knowing each other. This is pretty easy, introduce a realtor to mortgage broker. 
4. Listen and ask questions. Be an interviewer. If you're already thinking of what your going to say next maybe you're not listening.  For some a great conversation starters try Bob Burg's "Endless Referrals." He has great questions and tips to keep the conversation going.
5. Don’t try and close a deal. It’s about relationships. Nobody goes to a networking event to buy. They go looking for other referral partners and solutions to their current problems. Be a problem solver or a partner.
6. Give referrals whenever possible. Think of your current networkers problems and look for people to help. Or meet someone and discover their needs and keep them in mind as you meet new people.
7. Exchange business cards. This is a given. Try this, ask for two. One to keep and one for possible referral opportunities. 
8. Manage your time efficiently. Don't spend your time with people you know or are comfortable with. Make the most of this time by making new contacts.
9. Write notes on backs of cards recording anything useful. This is an old trick and goes back to commandment number 4, write what you learn.
10. Follow-up. This is obvious but few do it. There is no reason to meet people if you are not going to follow-up. Meet them for coffee or call them and say hello.

I hope this helps with networking at your events. Please repost if you found this helpful.

***More info on networking events under the "Events" tab***

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Ready Set Jump!!!

I thought today I would start with a story I heard at church this past Sunday.

There was a blind eight year old girl trapped on the tenth floor of a burning building. The fire department didn't have a ladder tall enough to reach her. They did have a net. The little girl was scared to jump and as the flames grew closer she still refused to jump. Suddenly the little girl hears her father’s voice saying "Jump! I promise I'll catch you!" The little girl jumped to safety as soon as she heard this.

When I heard this I knew I would be writing about it this week. Don't we all feel like this sometimes? Trapped up high with the fire to our backs? Trying everyday to move closer to our goal but not taking much risk? So fearful we might rather get burned than take a leap of faith?

Who's voice is calling you? Or rather what is calling you?

This is obviously a rather extreme example. But the point I'm hoping to drive is that sometimes we know what we must do. We don't because we can't see the future and don't know how things may work out. So we stay doing the same thing fearful and end up getting burned. If you have a change that needs to be made to be successful, make that jump. We are half-way through the week and only have less than 60 days left in the year. But there is always time to make an impact. With one of the years most stressful times approaching why not jump? What do you have to lose? If you are truly passionate like that little girl was with her dad, you will jump and be successful.

***Took this story from Sagebrush Community Church. Catch the podcast at week 5***